Magic of Our Senses

During a recent mentalism show I spoke about the wonder and joy of our senses. I probably first mentioned senses during my blindfold routine in relation to their power of picking up on information. I said how one of my favorite things in the whole world I am grateful for is my senses! The simple pleasures of amazing, delicious smells, hearing beautiful sounds like wind, rivers, the voice of someone I love, or music, witnessing sunsets, stars twinkling, feeling the warmth of cuddling with human and non-human animals, and enjoying fabulous tastes— for me these moments are pure magic, and help give my life meaning.

After the show, people came up to share how helpful it was for them to hear this, and that it really resonated with what they are going through in their lives. That is the inspiration for this article.

You are all smart, so it likely comes as no surprise that America just fell to its lowest point in the happiness ranking of countries, since a happiness ranking was even started. I can completely understand why. Without going into details, America, as well as the world, is a terrifying mess. However, if you are reading this, chances are you still possess most of your senses. That, my friend, is a freaking miracle.

As a word nerd, I must address the etymology (history) of the word ‘senses,’ because sadly words change, and in my humble opinion often lose their inherent creative magic. The word sense is from 14th century old French and Latin and originally meant— meaning, signification, interpretation, the faculty of perception, to feel, know, find one's way. In the 15th century sense started to mean that which is wise, judicious, sensible, intelligent. Our society celebrates logic and reason over intuition and feelings. However, based on the origin of the word senses, our feelings and ability to interpret things through our senses historically was considered very intelligent, wise and it was understood that this gave our lives meaning.

Certain species of animals have senses that humans can only fantasize about, at least this human. For example, bats and whales have a sense called echolocation, which is a type of sonar used in interpreting echoes creating a mental map of their surroundings. Certain types of fish can detect electrical fields around them. We have other senses of course besides the main five, such as proprioception and interoception, not even to mention what is considered our extra-senses. However, for now we will simply focus on the famous five, which bring my life soooooooooo much magic, enchantment, happiness, joy and inspiration. To me, really appreciating and deepening into my senses is related to the practice of mindfulness. I am walking my dogs and smelling the crisp air, hearing the wind in the leaves, feeling the warmth on my skin and seeing the adorable poofy clouds in the sky. Experiencing this plethora of sensations bring me to the present moment and my heart sings with the wonder of it all. Do you take a moment to smell your morning coffee and truly enjoy the earthy taste? Do you just run to your car in the morning, or do you actually notice and appreciate the wonder of the current warmth or coolness of the weather? No matter how you answered, take this as your invitation to welcome even more the joy and delight of your sense of smell, taste, touch, hearing and sight.

Erica’s Brief musings on each of the four senses


I often say I have psychic smell because my sense of smell is incredibly strong. I can detect scents that aren't even present and can smell things five rooms away. Smelling is such a source of joy and pleasure for me— and truly enhances my experience of the world. Even though this smell power can at times allow me to smell what would be considered horrible smells, I am still forever grateful for this smell power. Some of my favorite smells are lavender, my dogs, roses, lilac, pine forests, my home when I bake, and so so so much more. I invite you to smell your food or beverage before you consume them. Next time you pass a flower, stop and smell them. Take a sec and I promise you this will make your life so much more rewarding.


This is probably the sense we rely on the most, but wowzers there is so much joy to be had by sight! Simply gazing at the two doggies and one kitty that I share my home with raises my happy hormones and inspires love tingles within me. There is so much beauty to witness constantly. The change of light outside via sun, clouds, light, day. Trees. Flowers. The Ocean. Sunset. Stars Twinkling. Eyes of your beloved. Art. And so so much more. Right now look around, what do you notice? What objects are around you that you love and enjoy? What is the light doing in your room? Breathe in this magic. If you have your sense of sight, be grateful.


Now this sense is probably one we are all very aware of and appreciate! Sweet. Savory. Spicy. Sour. Chocolate. Apples. Cashew Cream Sauce. Raspberries. Martinis. Yum! So many delicious tastes out there. Fabulous taste options are infinite. Next time you are enjoying one of your favorite foods or drinks, take an extra minute, close your eyes and feel the texture and sensations of the food in your mouth. Be grateful for your ability to taste such wonder. Breathe. Chew. Experience. Enjoy.


Studies have shown that hugging can improve mood (by releasing serotonin and dopamine – two of our happy brain chemicals). The joy we can feel with positive experiences of simple touch can be the most meaningful pleasures of life. Many species of animals enjoy hugging. In my humble opinion nobody is more healing to hug then a cow. However if you don’t have a sweet cow, or pet or human to hug, I find so much love and comfort in hugging trees. When I play a faerie I often tell audiences if ever they are sad to hug a tree and ask for guidance. Trees are our friends too. Also, don’t forget the importance of self touch, self pleasuring and self massage. So much nourishment in simply being with ourselves.


I discovered a while ago that many individuals have a much harder time connecting with their feelings than I do, except through music. I guess Confucius knew this when he said, “Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without.” Music can awaken all kinds of feelings inside of us. Turn on your favorite artist or song and listen. My favorite sounds are the sounds of nature. Words cannot explain how much joy and pleasure I receive listening to bird song, wind, rain, rivers, and the ocean. What sounds do you enjoy? Whale sonar? Drumming? Discover the sounds you prefer and listen to them often. Let them fill you with magic.

I genuinely hope this was inspiring. My wish for you, especially in these challenging times, is that when you need to ground yourself, connect with the present, or are in dire need of feeling more joy and less fear--- that you to take a moment to feel, hear, taste, touch, look and experience the wonder, the abundance, the pleasure, the yumminess and the magic that is our senses.

Wishing you enchantment of the senses this Spring!


The Magic of Feeling and Presence