10 Tips to Strengthen Your Intuition


Connect with Nature

Spending time outdoors is the number one way I tap into my intuition.  When we are outside our cognitive thinking mind relaxes. Away from technology and noise, we allow our intuition to speak to us.

Nature offers subtle yet powerful insights, often trees, clouds and wind will whisper revealing messages to us.


When we are involved in a creative activity like drawing, painting or playing an instrument, we become lost in creating.

Our usual linear brain gets out of the way and a type of flow can develop allowing new ideas and insights to arise. Lose yourself in your art. Let go of structured thinking and immerse yourself in creativity and see what happens.

Heighten Your Senses

We are so busy going through our day that we often don’t stop and pay attention to sounds, smells and sights around us. Develop a ‘stop and smell the flowers’ attitude. that has many secrets and answers for you.

Pay attention to the sights, sounds, smells, and tastes around you. Slowing down and truly noticing these sensory details can reveal hidden information and deepen your awareness.

Explore Your Psychic Senses

There is a plethora of ways to pick up on information. While often one will have a strong leaning and natural talent for one or two psychic senses, we can strengthen and learn to use all of our psychic senses to access our intuition and psychic powers. Here are distinct different ways to pick up on information:

  • Clairvoyance (seeing)

  • Clairsentience (feeling)

  • Clairaudience (hearing)

  • Clairgustance (tasting)

  • Clairessence (smelling)

  • Claircognizance (knowing)

Personally, I use a combination of the above… With claircognisence and clairessence probably being two of my most developed. Practice and develop these to enhance your intuitive abilities.

Trust Your Instincts

Often, I think it is not that we don’t know what is right for us, but that we don’t trust ourselves.

Strengthen your intuition by listening to your feelings and acting on your hunches and practicing self-trust. Just like anything, the more you practice this, the more you will begin to truly trust yourself.

Meditate Regularly

When we are constantly busy and on the go, hearing our intuition is more difficult, even though it may be screaming at us. Take time to slow down and listen.

Cultivate a meditation practice where you spend at least five minutes (if not more) every day simply sitting and focusing on your breath.
Meditation helps quiet the mind, making it easier to hear your intuition.

Journal Your Thoughts

Stream-of-consciousness writing can reveal subconscious insights. Answers to problems can come when we aren’t consciously thinking about them.

Ask a question and let your subconscious provide answers without overthinking. Try writing with your non-dominant hand.

Record and Reflect on Dreams

Dreams use symbolic language to communicate. The language dreams speak in is the language of magic. Keep a dream journal by your bed and write down what you remember about your dreams.

Later you can let your intuition guide you to the meaning of the dream. You can even ask yourself a question before you go to sleep and program your dream to give you an answer.

Practice Psychic Games

Exercise your psychic powers with friends or alone. Send and receive images, colors, or numbers, using visualization techniques to enhance your psychic connection and practice your intuitive skills. You can take turns being the sender or the receiver.

Close your eyes and imagine a tube connecting your minds. The sender imagines sending a crystal-clear image of what they are thinking to the receiver. The receiver imagines the tube and the image coming through the tube. Switch roles. Have fun.

Embrace Free Flow Thinking

Allow your mind to wander and explore freely for 30 minutes each day. Follow fantastical thoughts and images without judgment, which can reveal new intuitive insights.

Don’t resist. Let the thoughts magically flow.

Wishing you a deeper connection with your intuitive power. As your intuitive self-trust grows, you’ll enhance your confidence and decision-making abilities, leading to successful outcomes in both your personal and professional life. 


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