The Transformative Power of Gratitude


We often find it easier to complain about life than to revel in and celebrate the awesome number of countless blessings we encounter daily. It seems almost natural to dwell on negativity rather than appreciate the abundance we have. I can't imagine this is the natural condition of being alive - kvetching, complaining and always wanting situations to be different. I imagine that if I googled 'why do humans focus on negativity?' I will get a plethora of scientific and psychological explanations. However, right now I am not interested in the why, I am interested in what this ungrateful attitude is trying to teach us, and how we can embrace gratitude—though it may sound clichéd, it’s a powerful concept.

The Role of Complaining

It is true that sometimes complaining can drive self-improvement but it can  also often lead to dissatisfaction. This dissatisfaction may prompt comparisons with others and foster feelings of failure, rather than recognizing our own worth. For me, focusing on the negative in my life leads to feeling less then. I then see what I am not, as opposed to what I am.

Constantly wishing for things to be different prevents us from appreciating what we already have.

Wouldn’t it be amazing if every day we were able to see the blessings all around us?!!?! And not just recognize them, revel in them! Instead of starting the day with complaints about our discomforts. Complaints are a form of stress and anxiety, which we know can be detrimental to our health. Embracing gratitude doesn’t mean ignoring life’s difficulties or pretending to be happy all the time; it’s about being real and acknowledging that while we may experience difficult painful emotions, we can still find moments of beauty and joy. Feeling feelings is not the same as complaining. Being present is not ignoring life, it is about experiencing and honoring all of it.

For me it is in the stopping and smelling flowers that allow the magic to rush in…. the magic of light on the petals. The splendor of the smell of wet leaves. The rustling of the trees communicating messages to me.
Is it even possible to be present, not complain and except life exactly as it is? It has got to be possible even though I am not a person skilled in this ability.

Finding Magic in the Present

Gratitude is something we can honor and focus on every single day, not just at Thanksgiving. If we could use this time of year as fuel to remind ourselves to be grateful even for the simplest of things, this would allow us to ruminate on the positive more than the negative. In any given situation, instead of focusing on the one thing that is pissing us off…we can choose to give attention to all the wonderful things instead.

For me, magic comes from being present—stopping to smell flowers, noticing the light on petals, or listening to the rustle of leaves. This presence allows the magic of being alive in each moment to flood in. It’s not about being perfect but about finding wonder in our daily lives.

Is it possible to be present, to accept life as it is, without complaint? It might not come naturally, but it’s worth striving for. Gratitude is something we can practice daily, not just during Thanksgiving. If we make a choice to focus more on gratitude, then we could shift our attention from the negatives to the positives. We would enjoy life a lot more.

A Challenge of Gratitude

Consider starting a gratitude journal, writing down five things you’re thankful for each day. Challenge yourself to go a day, two days, or even three without complaining. At this moment there are many things I can complain about whether on the global or personal scale. What if instead I focused on what is a blessing in my life, such as the gratitude I have for my amazing love filled career,and all the people working to create a better world.

By choosing to see and appreciate the good, we can foster a more compassionate, joyful world. Let’s strive to start each day with an attitude of gratitude and tap into the magic within ourselves.


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